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Skillrank: Towards a Hybrid Method to Assess Quality and Confidence of Professional Skills in Social Networks


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The present paper introduces a hybrid technique to measure the expertise of users by analyzing their profiles and activities in social networks. Currently, both job seekers and talent hunters are looking for new and innovative techniques to filter jobs and candidates where candidates are trying to improve and make their profiles more attractive. In this sense, the Skillrank approach is based on the conjunction of existing and well-known information and expertise retrieval techniques that perfectly fit the existing web and social media environment to deliver an intelligent component to integrate the user context in the analysis of skills confidence. A major outcome of this approach is that it actually takes advantage of existing data and information available on the web to perform both a ranked list of experts in a field and a confidence value for every professional skill. Thus, expertise and experts can be detected, verified, and ranked using a suited trust metric. An experiment to validate the Skillrank technique based on precision and recall metrics is also presented using two different datasets: (1) ad hoc created using real data from a professional social network and (2) real data extracted from the LinkedIn API.
机译:本文介绍一种混合技术,通过分析用户在社交网络中的个人资料和活动来衡量用户的专业知识。当前,求职者和人才搜寻者都在寻找新的和创新的技术,以筛选求职者和求职者的简历,求职者在此方面努力提高自己的形象并使其更具吸引力。从这个意义上说,Skillrank方法是基于现有信息和众所周知的信息与专业知识检索技术的结合,这些技术与现有的Web和社交媒体环境完美契合,可以提供智能组件,以将用户上下文集成到技能信心分析中。这种方法的主要结果是,它实际上利用了网络上可用的现有数据和信息来执行该领域专家的排名列表和每种专业技能的置信度值。因此,可以使用适当的信任度量来检测,验证和排名专家和专家。还使用两个不同的数据集提出了一项基于准确性和召回率指标来验证Skillrank技术的实验:(1)使用来自专业社交网络的真实数据创建的临时对象,以及(2)从LinkedIn API提取的真实数据。



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