首页> 外文期刊>The Science of the Total Environment >Sustained effects of volcanic ash on biofilm stoichiometry, enzyme activity and community composition in North- Patagonia streams

Sustained effects of volcanic ash on biofilm stoichiometry, enzyme activity and community composition in North- Patagonia streams


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AbstractVolcanic eruptions are extreme perturbations that affect ecosystems. These events can also produce persistent effects in the environment for several years after the eruption, with increased concentrations of suspended particles and the introduction of elements in the water column. On 4th June 2011, the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex (40.59°S-72.11°W, 2200m.a.s.l.) erupted explosively in southern Chile. The area affected by the volcano was devastated; a thick layer of volcanic ash (up to 30cm) was deposited in areas 50 km east of the volcano towards Argentina. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of volcanic ash deposits on stream ecosystems four years after the eruption, comparing biofilm stoichiometry, alkaline phosphatase activity, and primary producer's assemblage in streams which were severely affected by the volcano with unaffected streams. We confirmed in the laboratory that ash deposited in the catchment of affected streams still leach phosphorus (P) into the water four years after eruption. Results indicate that affected streams still receive volcanic particles and that these particles release P, thus stream water exhibits high P concentration. Biofilm P content was higher and the C:P ratio lower in affected streams compared to unaffected streams. As a consequence of less P in unaffected streams, the alkaline phosphatase activity was higher compared to affected streams. Cyanobacteria increased their abundances (99.9% of total algal biovolume) in the affected streams suggesting that the increase in P may positively affect this group. On the contrary, unaffected streams contained a diatom dominant biofilm. In this way, local heterogeneity was created between sub-catchments located within 30 km of each other. These types of events should be seen as opportunities to gather valuable ecological information about how severe disturbances, like volcanic eruptions, shape landscapes and lotic systems for several years after the event.Graphical abstractDisplay OmittedHighlightsVolcanic deposits changed habitat and biofilm composition near the volcano.Affected streams had higher suspended solids and P concentrations than unaffected streams.Biofilm C:P ratio and alkaline phosphatase activity were lower in affected streams than in unaffected streams.Lower dissolved N:P ratio in affected streams led to higher Cyanobacteria biomass.
机译: 摘要 火山喷发是影响生态系统的极端干扰。这些事件还会在喷发后的数年内对环境产生持续影响,其中悬浮颗粒的浓度增加,水柱中引入元素。 2011年6月4日,智利南部的Puyehue-CordónCaulle火山群(40.59°S-72.11°W,2200m.a.s.l。)爆发。受火山影响的地区被毁。在火山以东50公里处朝阿根廷的方向沉积了厚厚的火山灰(长达30厘米)。本研究的目的是评估火山爆发后四年火山灰沉积物对河流生态系统的影响,比较受火山与未受影响河流严重影响的河流中生物膜化学计量,碱性磷酸酶活性和初级生产者的组成。我们在实验室中确认,喷发四年后,沉积在受影响河流集水区中的灰烬仍将磷(P)浸入水中。结果表明,受影响的溪流仍接收火山颗粒,并且这些颗粒释放P,因此溪流水显示高P浓度。与未受影响的溪流相比,受影响溪流中生物膜的P含量较高,C:P比较低。由于未受影响的溪流中磷含量较低,因此碱性磷酸酶活性高于受影响的溪流。蓝细菌增加了它们在受影响河流中的丰度(占藻类总生物量的99.9%),这表明磷的增加可能对该群体产生积极影响。相反,未受影响的流包含硅藻为主的生物膜。这样,在彼此相距30 km之内的子集水区之间就产生了局部异质性。这些类型的事件应被视为机会,以收集有关事件发生后数年的严重扰动(如火山喷发,地形景观和抽水系统)的宝贵生态信息。 图形摘要 省略显示 突出显示 火山沉积物改变了火山附近的栖息地和生物膜组成。 < ce:label>• 受影响的河流比未受影响的河流具有更高的悬浮固体和P浓度。 生物膜的C:P比和碱性磷酸酶受影响的流中的活动低于未受影响的流。 < ce:para id =“ p0020” view =“ all”>在受影响的溪流中溶解的N:P比值较低,导致蓝细菌的生物量更高。 < / ce:simple-para>



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