首页> 外文期刊>Science in China >A genome-wide survey of alternative translational initiation events in Homo sapiens

A genome-wide survey of alternative translational initiation events in Homo sapiens


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Alternative translational initiation is an important mechanism to increase the diversity of gene products. Although some of alternative translational initiation events have been reported, such information remains anecdotal and does not allow for any generalizations. The number of the known alternative translational initiation genes is so few that we know little about its mechanism. There is a great demand to discover more alternative translational initiation genes. However, it is arduously time-consuming to discover novel alternative translational initiation genes by the experimental method. Therefore we systematically analyzed protein sequences available in public database and predicted 1237 protein clusters as potential alternative translational initiation events. We concluded that about 8%—10% of human genes have alternative translational initiation sites. The results significantly increased the number of alternative translation initiation events and indicated that alternative translation initiation is an important and general regulation mechanism in the cellular process.



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