首页> 外文期刊>Science in China. Series D, Earth sciences >Rapid hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism in later period in Kelasu thrust belt in Kuqa depression

Rapid hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism in later period in Kelasu thrust belt in Kuqa depression


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Based on the analyses of generation, migration and accumulation of oil and gas in the structures of Kela 1, Kela 2 and Kela 3 in Kasangtuokai anticlinal belt using a series of geological and geochemical evidence, this paper proposes that the rapid rate of hydrocarbon generation, main drain path for over-pressured fluid flow and converging conduit system are indispensable conditions for the rapid, late-stage gas accumulation in the Kelasu thrust belt in the Kuqa depression. Due to structural overlapping and the resultant rapid burial, the maturity of the source rocks had been increased rapidly from 1.3 to 2.5% R_o within 2.3 Ma, with an average rate of R_o increase up to 0.539% R)o/Ma. The rapid maturation of the source rocks had provided sufficient gases for late-stage gas accumulation. The kelasu structural belt has a variety of faults, but only the fault that related with fault propagation fold and cut through the gypsiferous mudstone cap could act as the main path for overpressured fluid release and then for fast gas accumulation in low fluid potential area. All the evidence from surface structure map, seismic profile explanation, authigenic kaolinite and reservoir property demonstrates that the main drain path related with faults for overpressured fluid and the converging conduit system are the key point for the formation of the giant Kela 2 gas field. By contrast, the Kela 1 and Kela 3 structures located on both sides of Kela 2 structure, are not favourable for gas accumulation due to lacking converging conduit system.
机译:在一系列地质和地球化学证据的基础上,通过对卡桑托凯背斜带克拉1,克拉2和克拉3构造中油气的生成,运移和聚集的分析,提出烃类的快速生成,超压流体流动的主要排放路径和会聚导管系统是在库车depression陷的克拉苏冲断带中快速,后期天然气聚集的必不可少的条件。由于结构重叠和由此产生的快速埋葬,源岩的成熟度在2.3 Ma之内从1.3%R_o快速增加到2.5%R_o,平均R_o速率增加到0.539%R)o / Ma。源岩的快速成熟为后期的气藏提供了充足的气体。克拉苏构造带有多种断层,但只有与断层扩展褶皱相关并切穿吉普赛泥质盖层的断层才可作为超压流体释放,然后在低流体潜在区域快速气藏的主要途径。地表结构图,地震剖面解释,自生高岭石和储层性质的所有证据表明,与超压流体断层有关的主要排泄路径和会聚导管系统是形成巨大的克拉2气田的关键。相反,位于Kela 2结构两侧的Kela 1和Kela 3结构由于缺少会聚导管系统而不利于气体聚集。



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