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Learning from Error: An Autopsy of Bernalism


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Gary Werskey offers many astute observations about the failure of the British scientific Left, despite its unquestioned intellectual brilliance and political efforts, to bring about a socialist Utopia in the twentieth century. On most points, he is certainly correct: the Cold War division of the Allies into 'Liberals' and 'Communists' produced two competing scientific Lefts with universalist aspirations that spent the second half of the last century squandering enormous financial and intellectual capital on campaigns of mutual suspicion that verged on 'mutually assured destruction', when they should have been focussing on where they agreed to relieve global misery. The result, to which we bear witness today, is an overall shift to the Right in the centre of political gravity that casts aspersions on much of what both sides of the Cold War stood for, not least the idea of science as an emancipatory force. Moreover, I agree that much of our 'postmodern condition', including the ideological cast of science and technology studies, can be understood in these terms. I also agree that the 'subaltern' forms of knowledge championed by postmodernists may complement, but not replace, historically 'Western' science in addressing global problems.
机译:加里·韦斯基(Gary Werskey)对英国科学左派的失败做出了许多精明的观察,尽管他们毫无保留的智慧和政治努力,却在20世纪带来了社会主义的乌托邦。在大多数情况下,他当然是正确的:冷战将盟军分为“自由主义者”和“共产主义者”,产生了两个具有普遍主义愿望的相互竞争的科学左派,这些左派在上个世纪下半叶浪费了大量的财力和智力资本进行他们本来应该专注于他们同意减轻全球苦难的地方,但相互之间的猜疑都停留在“相互保证的破坏”上。我们今天目睹的结果是,在政治重心的中心全面向右转移,这使冷战双方所代表的很多东西都产生了瓦解,尤其是作为解放力量的科学观念。此外,我同意我们可以用这些术语来理解我们的许多“后现代状况”,包括科学技术研究的意识形态。我也同意,后现代主义者所倡导的“次要”知识形式在解决全球性问题方面可以补充但不能替代历史上的“西方”科学。



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