首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia Bulletin >Schizophrenic Patients' Perceptions of Stress, Expressed Emotion, and Sensitivity To Criticism

Schizophrenic Patients' Perceptions of Stress, Expressed Emotion, and Sensitivity To Criticism


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This study was designed to get an “insider's view” of expressed emotion (EE) from the perspective of schizophrenic patients. Thirty-two patient and “influential other” pairs participated in the study. Patients' perceptions of EE attitudes in influential others were examined to determine whether they corresponded with actual EE ratings. Patients also rated how “stressed” they felt when interacting with their influential others, and patients' general sensitivity to criticism (STC) was assessed. As predicted, patients' perceptions of critical attitudes were related to actual EE ratings of criticism, although patients' perceptions of emotional overinvolvement (EOI) were not related to EOI ratings. Patients reported feeling more stressed when interacting with high-EE influential others, supporting an “EE as stressor” hypothesis. Finally, patients' STC influenced the level of stress they reported.
机译:这项研究旨在从精神分裂症患者的角度获得表达情绪(EE)的“内部观点”。三十二名患者和“有影响力的其他”对参加了研究。检查患者对有影响力的其他人的EE态度的看法,以确定他们是否符合实际EE评分。患者还评估了与有影响力的其他人互动时的感觉“压力”,并评估了患者对批评的总体敏感性。如预期的那样,尽管患者对情绪过度投入(EOI)的看法与EOI等级无关,但患者对批评态度的看法与批评的实际EE等级有关。患者报告说,与具有高EE影响力的其他人进行互动时,他们会感到压力更大,从而支持“ EE作为压力源”的假设。最后,患者的STC影响了他们报告的压力水平。



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