首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian Journal of History >'In Building a Nation Few Better Examples can be Found': Norden and the Scottish Parliament

'In Building a Nation Few Better Examples can be Found': Norden and the Scottish Parliament


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Following the reconstitution of the Scottish Parliament in 1999, after a hiatus of over three centuries, the development of links with the Nordic countries was presented as a strategic priority, and Scotland was apparently accepted by the Nordic Council as a part of the 'West Nordic Sphere'. Politicians and social commentators in Scotland - though not necessarily the majority of the electorate - have shown an ongoing fascination with their Scandinavian neighbours, for a variety of reasons. The Nordic Council itself, for example, has been held up as an example of how post-devolution Britain could renegotiate insular relationships to reflect a partnership of roughly equal interests. Images of Nordic society, often idealized, permeate political discourse much more deeply than the discussion of constitutional arrangements, however, and the advent in 2007 of Scotland's first SNP administration has, if anything, raised the profile of Scandinavia still further. This paper will highlight some of the ways in which Sweden, Norway and other Nordic states have been utilized as examples for Scotland to follow, during three broad time periods: (i) pre-1997; (ii) 1997-2007; (iii) since May 2007, when the SNP took power in Scotland for the first time. Further, it will argue that several paradoxes can be discerned, as this general discourse is based on (i) cherry-picking issues and (ii) a certain view of a 'Nordic model' that erases internal differences within Norden and debates within its constituent states.
机译:在经历了三个多世纪的中断之后,苏格兰议会于1999年改组后,与北欧国家建立联系被视为战略重点,苏格兰显然被北欧理事会接受为“西北欧”的一部分。球'。苏格兰的政客和社会评论员(虽然不一定是多数选民)出于各种原因对斯堪的纳维亚邻居表现出持续的迷恋。举个例子,北欧理事会本身就是一个例子,它展示了权力下放后英国如何重新谈判孤立的关系,以反映出具有大致平等利益的伙伴关系。北欧社会的形象通常被理想化,其政治讨论远比宪法安排的讨论更为深入。然而,苏格兰首个SNP政府于2007年问世,这进一步提高了斯堪的纳维亚半岛的形象。本文将重点介绍在三个主要时期内瑞典,挪威和其他北欧国家被苏格兰作为榜样使用的一些方式:(i)1997年前; (ii)1997-2007年; (iii)自2007年5月SNP首次在苏格兰掌权以来。此外,它将争论出一些悖论,因为这种一般性论述是基于(i)采摘樱桃问题和(ii)对“北欧模式”的某种看法,这种看法消除了Norden内部的分歧以及其组成部分的辩论状态。



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