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This month we are pleased to present some bigger builds than usual, Keith Peckover's impressive EC-121 and Andy McCabe's Shackleton test shot having both recommended themselves at the same time. Given the usual single engined fare that predominates in the modelling press it seemed too good to be true, and as the Shackleton is particularly newsworthy at the moment it seemed only right to move the Aircraft in Profile feature forward a month to complement Andy's build. Revell's kit is a remarkable tooling and we are very grateful for the opportunity to run a build early. Keith's EC-121 is a much older tooling, being the Heller kit upgraded by Plus Model.The article is a nice demonstration of what the aftermarket can achieve these days, as well as being a superb showcase of the modeller's skills and attention to detail both in matters of research and in the actual construction.
机译:本月,我们很高兴介绍比以往更大的版本,Keith Peckover令人印象深刻的EC-121和Andy McCabe的Shackleton测试镜头同时推荐了它们自己。鉴于在模型印刷机中占主导地位的通常是单引擎票价,这似乎太好了,难以置信。由于沙克尔顿目前尤其具有新闻价值,因此将“轮廓飞机”功能向前推进一个月以补充安迪的身材似乎是正确的选择。 Revell的工具包是出色的工具,我们非常感谢有机会尽早运行构建。 Keith的EC-121是一种较旧的工具,是Plus Model升级的Heller套件。本文很好地展示了售后市场可以实现的目标,同时还很好地展示了建模者的技能和对细节的关注在研究和实际施工方面。



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