首页> 外文期刊>SAM advanced management journal >Projects and Processes for Sustainable Organizational Growth

Projects and Processes for Sustainable Organizational Growth


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IntroductionrnUnder pressure to improve productivity, quality, and speed, managers across many industries have embraced tools such as TQM, lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, benchmarking, and reen-gineering. Dramatic operational improvements have resulted, but rarely have these gains translated into sustainable profitability and growth. Gradually, these tools have taken the place of strategy at the firm level leaving behind significant gaps in seeding for the future survival of the firm. For example, at 3M under the tutelage of CEO James McNerney, an unrelenting emphasis on process improvements and cost reductions has resulted in a loss of its traditional edge in innovation. Before joining 3M, McNerney worked at GE, where Six Sigma thinking pervades the organization as the strategic mantra for profit generation. An excessive focus on processes can lead to destructive competitive battles and an erosion of firm profitability. As managers push to improve on all fronts, they move further away from viable competitive positions and future business opportunities. We argue that operational effectiveness as reflected in efficient business processes, although necessary to superior performance, is not sufficient for sustainable growth of the firm. The processes realm is only half the story that must be told to understand sustainable, profitable growth. The other half lies in the projects realm.
机译:简介在提高生产率,质量和速度的压力下,许多行业的经理都接受了诸如TQM,精益制造,六西格码(Six Sigma),基准测试和再工程等工具。已经取得了显着的运营改善,但很少将这些收益转化为可持续的盈利能力和增长。逐渐地,这些工具已在公司层面上取代了战略,为公司的未来生存留下了巨大的种子缺口。例如,在首席执行官詹姆斯·麦克纳尼(James McNerney)的指导下的3M公司,对流程改进和成本降低的不懈追求导致其传统创新优势的丧失。加入3M之前,McNerney在GE工作,六西格码(Six Sigma)的思想遍及整个组织,成为实现利润的战略口号。对流程的过分关注会导致破坏性的竞争,并削弱公司的盈利能力。随着管理人员在各个方面不断改进,他们远离可行的竞争地位和未来的商机。我们认为,有效业务流程中反映的运营有效性,尽管对卓越绩效而言是必要的,但不足以促进公司的可持续发展。流程领域只是了解可持续的,可盈利的增长所必须讲述的故事的一半。另一半位于项目领域。



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