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Construction sites blitz reveals slight progress


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Safety conditions at almost one in five construction sites failed to satisfy inspectors during a national initiative of checks carried our across the sector.Of the 50 fatalities in construction in 2010/11, 27 were in the maintenance and repair sector. In response to these statistics and the risks associated with this type of building work, the annual safety inspection blitz - now in its fifth year - specifically targeted sites where repair work was being carried out.Over the course of a month, HSE inspectors visited a total of 3237 sites - significantly more than last year's total of 2128 - and saw 4092 contractors. The focus was on high-risk jobs, including working at height, and ensuring sites were clean and tidy. Overall, practices at 581 sites were deemed to be unsafe, leading to 870 enforcement notices issued; in 603 instances, work had to stop immediately.
机译:在一项全国性的检查举措中,几乎五分之一的建筑工地的安全条件未能使检查员满意。2010/ 11年度在施工中造成的50起死亡事故中,有27起是在维护和修理部门。针对这些统计数据以及与此类建筑工程相关的风险,年度安全检查突击行动(目前已是第五年)专门针对正在执行维修工作的地点。在一个月的时间内,HSE检查员访问了总计3237个站点-大大超过去年的2128个-见证了4092个承包商。重点是高风险工作,包括高空工作,并确保场地整洁。总体而言,在581个地点的做法被认为是不安全的,导致发出了870份执行通知;在603个实例中,工作不得不立即停止。



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