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The Impact of Trust and Risk Perception on the Acceptance of Measures to Reduce COVID-19 Cases


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The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 has had a large impact on the lives of many people worldwide. At the peak of confirmed COVID-19 cases during the first wave in Switzerland (March-April 2020), we conducted a survey in the German-speaking part of the country (N = 1,585). The results suggest that the implemented measures are accepted. The survey participants are more concerned that other family members could catch the virus compared with themselves, and they are worried about its economic impact. The results suggest that how trust is measured is crucial because general trust and social trust have opposite effects on the participants' risk perceptions. People with high general trust perceive less risks associated with COVID-19 compared with people who have low general trust, and people with high social trust perceive more risks compared with people who have low social trust. The results further indicate that perceived risks are important drivers for the acceptance of the government's implemented measures to control COVID-19 and for more precautionary behavior (i.e., contact with fewer people and more hygienic behavior). Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
机译:导致Covid-19的SARS-COV-2病毒对全球许多人的生活产生了很大影响。在瑞士第一波(2020年3月)的第一波浪潮中,我们在该国的德语部分进行了调查(n = 1,585)。结果表明已接受实施措施。调查参与者更关注其他家庭成员可以与自己相比捕获病毒,他们担心其经济影响。结果表明,衡量信任如何至关重要,因为一般信任和社会信任对参与者的风险感知有所不同。高一般信赖的人们认为与Covid-19相关的风险相比,与普通信任低的人相比,与社会信任低的人相比,具有高社会信任的人感知更多的风险。结果进一步表明,感知风险是接受政府实施措施的重要司机,以控制Covid-19和更多预防行为(即,与更少人民和更卫生行为接触)。讨论了这些发现的理论和实际意义。


  • 来源
    《Risk analysis》 |2021年第5期|787-800|共14页
  • 作者单位

    Swiss Fed Inst Technol Inst Environm Decis IED Consumer Behav Univ Str 22 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland;

    Swiss Fed Inst Technol Inst Environm Decis IED Consumer Behav Univ Str 22 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland;

    Swiss Fed Inst Technol Inst Environm Decis IED Consumer Behav Univ Str 22 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland;

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  • 正文语种 eng
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  • 关键词

    confidence; COVID-19; hygienic behavior; risk perception; trust;



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