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Yacov Haimes: Marrying Risk Analysis and Systems Engineering

机译:Yacov Haimes:结合风险分析和系统工程

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When Yacov Haimes was just 13 years old, the dissolution of the Jewish community in his native Baghdad was well underway. All the males in his family left or escaped illegally to the United States and Israel. He was smuggled with strangers across the border by night on donkeys to Iran, and then flew from Tehran to Israel. This experience introduced Yacov to risk in a most personal, stressful, and dangerous way, as Iraqi border patrol on horses discovered his group crossing the border. Although unaware of it at the time, he saw risk communication in action as the Iranian police were instructed by the Shah of Iran to protect the escapees and not to allow the Iraqis to take custody of them.
机译:当Yacov Haimes才13岁时,犹太人社区在他的家乡巴格达的瓦解正在顺利进行。他家中的所有男性都非法离开或逃往美国和以色列。晚上他靠驴子与陌生人一起跨境走私到伊朗,然后从德黑兰飞到以色列。这次经历使雅科夫以一种最个人,最紧张和最危险的方式冒险冒险,因为伊拉克骑马巡逻队发现他的团队越过边界。尽管当时没有意识到这一点,但他看到了风险通报的行动,因为伊朗国王(Shah)指示伊朗警察保护逃生者,而不允许伊拉克人对他们进行监护。



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