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Freshwater fish biodiversity in the River Ganga (India): changing pattern, threats and conservation perspectives


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The river Ganges is the largest river in India and the fifth longest in the world. Although, many studies on fish ecology and systematic have been conducted largely to improve fisheries but fish diversity and their distribution pattern from conservation point of view have never been adequately addressed in the Ganges. In this connection, current distribution and abundance of freshwater fishes of river Ganges was studied and assessed from April 2007 to March 2009. We documented and described 143 freshwater fish species in the all stretches of the river which is higher than what was reported earlier. Some species were observed with shift in their distribution ranges. First time, a total of 10 exotic fishes, including Pterygoplichthys anisitsi, which has never been reported from India found in the Ganges. Alterations of the hydrological pattern due to various types of hydro projects was seems to be the largest threat to fishes of Ganges. Indiscriminate and illegal fishing, pollution, water abstraction, siltation and invasion of exotic species are also threatening the fish diversity in the Ganges and as many as 29 species are listed under threatened category. The study advocates a need to identify critical fish habitats in the Ganga basin to declare them as conservation reserves to mitigate the loss of fish diversity from this mighty large river.
机译:恒河是印度最大的河流,也是世界第五长的河流。尽管已经对鱼类生态学和系统的许多研究进行了很大程度的改进,但是从保护的角度来看,恒河从来没有充分解决鱼类多样性及其分布方式的问题。在这方面,研究和评估了恒河自2007年4月至2009年3月的淡水鱼的当前分布和丰富程度。我们记录并描述了河段所有143种淡水鱼种类,这比以前报道的要高。观察到一些物种的分布范围发生了变化。第一次,共有10种外来鱼类,其中包括翼龙(Pterygoplichthys anisitsi),印度恒河中从未发现过这种鱼类。由于各种类型的水利工程导致的水文模式改变似乎是恒河鱼类面临的最大威胁。滥杀滥捕,污染,取水,淤积和入侵外来物种也威胁着恒河的鱼类多样性,受威胁类别中列有多达29种。该研究提倡有必要在恒河盆地中确定重要的鱼类栖息地,以将其宣布为保护区,以减轻这条巨大河流造成的鱼类多样性丧失。



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