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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease And Occupational Exposure To Silica


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Prolonged exposure to high levels of silica has long been known to cause silicosis This paper evaluates the evidence for an increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in occupations and industries in which exposure to crystalline silica is the primary exposure, with a focus on the magnitude of risks and levels of exposure causing disabling health effects. The literature suggests consistently elevated risks of developing COPD associated with silica exposure in several occupations, including the construction industry; tunneling; cement industry; brick manufacturing; pottery and ceramic work; silica sand, granite and diatomaceous earth industries; gold mining; and iron and steel founding, with risk estimates being high in some, even after taking into account the effect of confounders like smoking. Average dust levels vary from about 0.5 mg.m~3 to over 10 mg.m~3 and average silica levels from 0.04 to over 5 mg.m~3, often well above occupational standards. Factors influencing the variation from industry to industry in risks associated with exposure to silica-containing dusts include (a) the presence of other minerals in the dust, particularly when associated with clay minerals; (b) the size of the particles and percentage of quartz; (c) the physicochemical characteristics, such as whether the dust is freshly fractured. Longitudinal studies suggest that loss of lung function occurs with exposure to silica dust at concentrations of between 0.1 and 0.2 mg.m~3, and that the effect of cumulative silica dust exposure on airflow obstruction is independent of silicosis. Nevertheless, a disabling loss of lung function in the absence of silicosis would not occur until between 30 and 40 years exposure.
机译:长期以来,长期接触高浓度二氧化硅会导致矽肺病。本文评估了以结晶二氧化硅为主要暴露来源的职业和行业中慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)风险增加的证据。造成残疾的健康影响的风险大小和暴露水平。文献表明,在包括建筑行业在内的一些职业中,与二氧化硅接触引起的发展为COPD的风险持续升高。隧道水泥工业制砖;陶器和陶瓷制品;硅砂,花岗岩和硅藻土工业;黄金开采;和钢铁业,即使考虑到吸烟等混杂因素的影响,某些人的风险估计也很高。平均粉尘含量从约0.5 mg.m〜3到超过10 mg.m〜3,平均二氧化硅含量从0.04到超过5 mg.m〜3,通常远高于职业标准。影响因接触含硅尘而产生的风险因行业而异的因素包括:(a)尘埃中存在其他矿物,特别是与粘土矿物有关时; (b)颗粒的大小和石英的百分比; (c)理化特性,例如灰尘是否新鲜破碎。纵向研究表明,暴露于浓度为0.1至0.2 mg.m〜3的二氧化硅粉尘时会发生肺功能丧失,并且累积二氧化硅粉尘暴露对气流阻塞的影响与矽肺无关。但是,在没有矽肺病的情况下,直到暴露30至40年,肺功能才会丧失。



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