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“A breast for all … and milk for all”: Meridel Le Sueur's The Girl and the 1930s CPUSA

机译:“所有人的乳房……所有人的乳汁”:Meridel Le Sueur的《女孩与1930年代CPUSA》

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The context in which fragments of Meridel Le Sueur's novel The Girl first appeared in the New Masses helped to deflect and diffuse her feminist message. The articles, poems, and illustrations surrounding her work in this publication promoted Popular Front goals such as defeating fascism through alliances with other progressive groups, and endorsed conservative roles for women as part of this program. An analysis of these materials in conjunction with contemporary Communist party responses to Le Sueur's work reveals critical differences between her political agenda and that of the 1930s CPUSA. At a time when the Party was courting middle-class members and promoting traditional notions of virtue and motherhood, Le Sueur wrote about prostitutes and sterilization policies. Instead of adhering to New Masses editor Mike Gold's proletarian aesthetic, she offered solidarity between women as a solution to social and economic injustice.
机译:Meridel Le Sueur的小说《女孩》(The Girl)的片段首次出现在新群众中的背景有助于偏转和传播她的女权主义信息。有关她在本出版物中的工作的文章,诗歌和插图促进了“大众阵线”的目标,例如通过与其他进步团体结盟来击败法西斯主义,并认可妇女在该计划中的保守角色。对这些材料的分析以及当代共产党对勒苏尔的工作的回应,揭示了她的政治议程与1930年代中央政治局之间的重大分歧。在该党讨好中产阶级成员并提倡传统的美德和孕产理念之时,勒苏尔(Le Sueur)撰写了有关妓女和绝育政策的文章。她没有秉承新大众杂志编辑迈克·戈尔德的无产阶级美学,而是提供了妇女之间的团结,以解决社会和经济不公的问题。



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