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Inside Networks: A Process View on Multi-organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks


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This book collects contributions about the functioning and disfunctioning of inter-organisational networks, an important domain of study because, as the Editors acknowledge, "Networks are all around us and we are all part of several networks" (p. xiii). The book is organised around three main areas of research about inter-firm partnerships and networks. Part I is about monitoring and control; Part II about learning and, finally, Part III is about conflict and failures in partnership and networks. All chapters are based upon papers presented at the 2004 MOPAN 'Collision and Coalition' conference, at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. The Editors recognize the recent proliferation of studies about networks and inter-organisational partnership and suggest that there are two main approaches in the literature: first, the 'social network analysis' approach and second, the 'network governance' perspective. In the Preface they seem concerned about the fact that the 'social network approach' has "strengthened the dominance of the structural account of inter-organisational networks" (p. xiii) with the important drawback of "treat(ing) network interaction and interactions in networks as a black box". Hence they feel that there is a need for approaches that "describe and explain network (inter)action and network behaviour, which can complement insights derived from the structural account in network research" (p. xiv).
机译:本书收集了有关组织间网络的功能和失灵的贡献,这是一个重要的研究领域,因为正如编辑们所承认的那样,“网络在我们周围,我们都是多个网络的一部分”(第xiii页)。本书围绕企业间合作伙伴关系和网络的三个主要研究领域而组织。第一部分是关于监视和控制的;第二部分是关于学习的知识,最后,第三部分是关于伙伴关系和网络中的冲突和失败的信息。所有章节均基于在荷兰蒂尔堡大学举行的2004 MOPAN“冲突与联盟”会议上发表的论文。编辑们认识到最近有关网络和组织间伙伴关系的研究激增,并建议在文献中有两种主要方法:首先是“社会网络分析”方法,其次是“网络治理”观点。在序言中,他们似乎担心“社交网络方法”“加强了组织间网络的结构账户的支配地位”(第十三页)这一事实,但存在着“处理网络互动和互动的重要缺点”这一事实。在网络中被视为黑匣子”。因此,他们认为需要一种“描述和解释网络(交互)作用和网络行为的方法,这些方法可以补充从网络研究中的结构账户中得出的见解”(第xiv页)。



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