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Shared inventions and the evolution of capabilities: Examining the biotechnology industry


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Do capabilities evolve differently as a function of the firm's unique ties or through the cumulative expo sure to specific types of knowledge? We view capability evolution with respect to a firm's accumulation of knowledge-derived assets-patents. This study proposes that capabilities evolve by way of a firm's solo and joint invention experiences, and contends that these capabilities are uniquely shaped by the firm's history of patenting with two specific types of ties, upstream and downstream partners. Using a sample of 11,593 patents produced by 256 biotechnology firms from 1985 to 2006, we find that prior joint invention experience diversifies the capabilities of the firm and broadens its strategic options. In uncovering an inverted 'U' relationship, we also find that capabilities evolve differently according to the firm's unique joint invention experiences. Moreover, firms that continue to engage in more joint invention experiences develop broader capabilities than firms that retreat from this strategy and pursue solo inventions, whereby more specialized capabilities develop. Focusing on how R&D strategies impact capability development, our findings extend research on capabilities by accounting for how the path dependent role of shared property rights influences the technological trajectory of the firm.
机译:能力是否根据公司的独特联系或通过累积暴露于特定知识类型而有所不同?我们认为企业相对于知识衍生的资产专利的积累具有能力的发展。这项研究提出,能力是根据公司的独创和联合发明经验而发展的,并认为这些能力是由公司拥有两种特定类型的联系(上游和下游合作伙伴)的专利申请历史唯一塑造的。使用1985年至2006年间256家生物技术公司生产的11593项专利的样本,我们发现先前的联合发明经验使该公司的能力多样化并扩大了其战略选择。在发现反向的“ U”关系时,我们还发现,能力会根据公司独特的联合发明经验而有所不同。此外,与退出该战略并追求单独发明的公司相比,继续从事更多联合发明经验的公司所开发的能力更广,从而开发出更专业的能力。着眼于研发策略如何影响能力发展,我们的发现通过考虑共享产权的路径依赖角色如何影响企业的技术轨迹来扩展对能力的研究。



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