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Globalising Love: On the Nature and Scope of Love as a Form of Recognition


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This article begins by tracing two issues to be kept in mind in discussing the theme of love as far back as Aristotle: on the one hand the polysemy of the term philia in Aristotle, and on the other hand the fact that there is a focal or core meaning of philia that provides order to that polysemy. Secondly, it is briefly suggested that the same issues are, mutatis mutandis, central for understanding the discussion of love or Liebe by Hegel, the central classic reference in debates on recognition. Thirdly, by pointing out a certain ambiguity in Harry Frankfurt’s recent work on love, the article focuses more closely on the thought that love in the simple sense which Aristotle had pinpointed as the focal meaning of philia, which is arguably at the core of Hegel’s discussion of Liebe, and which still forms at least one of the core senses of the term, is a ‘personifying’ attitude of recognition. Finally, drawing on the above points the article addresses the question whether love as a form of recognition is restricted to intimate relations such as those between family-members, ‘lovers’, close friends and so on, or whether it has applications in interhuman relations more broadly. The answer to this question, it is suggested, is essential for the viability of ethically substantial notions of solidarity beyond circles of close acquaintances, whether within the civil society, across nations, or towards future generations.
机译:本文从追溯到讨论亚里斯多德的爱情主题时要牢记的两个问题开始:一方面是亚里士多德的“ philia”一词的多义性,另一方面是存在着焦点或philia的核心含义为该多义性提供了顺序。其次,简要建议说,同样的问题在细节上作必要修改后,对于理解黑格尔关于爱或利贝的讨论是至关重要的,而黑格尔是关于承认辩论的经典经典参考。第三,通过指出哈里·法兰克福最近关于爱情的工作中存在一定的歧义,本文将重点更加集中在亚里斯多德所指出的简单意义上的爱是菲利亚的核心含义的思想,这可以说是黑格尔讨论的核心。 Liebe的“至少”仍然构成该术语的核心含义之一,是一种“人格化”的认可态度。最后,本文基于以上几点,解决了以下问题:作为一种认可的形式,爱是否仅限于亲密关系,例如家庭成员,“恋人”,亲密朋友等之间的亲密关系,或者它是否适用于人际关系更广泛地。有人建议,这个问题的答案对于超越亲密朋友圈的伦理上实质性团结概念的可行性至关重要,无论是在民间社会内部,在各国之间,还是在子孙后代中。



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