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Patterns of continuous requirements clarification


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In software projects involving large and often distributed teams, requirements evolve through the collaboration of many stakeholders, supported by online tools such as mailing lists, bug tracking systems, or online discussion forums. In this collaboration, requirements typically evolve from initial ideas, through clarification, to the implementation of a stable requirement. Deviations from this expected course might indicate requirements that are poorly understood, need further negotiation, or better alignment with project goals. If not addressed timely, such problems can surface late in the development cycle with negative consequences such as rework, missed schedules, or overrun budget. This paper presents an approach that provides project managers' with timely awareness of such requirements-related risks, based on automatic analysis of stakeholders' online requirement communication. We describe a clarification classifier that automatically analyzes requirements communication in a project and detects clarification events, a catalog of clarification patterns, and a pattern matcher that suggests communication patterns based on our pattern catalog. Our approach has been empirically constructed and evaluated in a case study in the Rational Team project. We discuss the applicability of our approach in other projects as well as avenues for extending our pattern catalog toward a theory of clarification patterns.
机译:在涉及大型且经常分布的团队的软件项目中,需求是通过许多利益相关者的协作而演变的,并得到邮件列表,错误跟踪系统或在线讨论论坛等在线工具的支持。在这种协作中,需求通常从最初的想法到澄清,再发展到稳定需求的实施。与预期过程的偏离可能表明对需求的理解不充分,需要进一步协商或更好地与项目目标保持一致。如果不及时解决,此类问题可能会在开发周期的后期浮出水面,并带来负面影响,例如返工,进度计划丢失或预算超支。本文提出了一种基于对利益相关者在线需求沟通的自动分析,为项目经理提供与此类需求相关风险的及时意识的方法。我们描述了一个澄清分类器,该分类器可自动分析项目中的需求沟通并检测出澄清事件,澄清模式目录和模式匹配器,这些模式匹配器根据我们的模式目录来建议沟通模式。我们的方法已经在Rational Team项目的案例研究中凭经验构建和评估。我们讨论了我们的方法在其他项目中的适用性,以及将模式目录扩展到澄清模式理论的途径。



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