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The impact of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on distribution networks: A review and outlook


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Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are the next big thing in the electric transportation market. While much work has been done to detail what economic costs and benefits PHEVs will have on consumers and producers alike, it seems that it is also important to understand what impact PHEVs will have on distribution networks nationwide. This paper finds that the impact of PHEVs on the distribution network can be determined using the following aspects of PHEVs: driving patterns, charging characteristics, charge timing, and vehicle penetration. The impacts that these aspects of PHEVs will have on distribution networks have been measured and calculated by multiple authors in different locations using many different tools that range from analytical techniques to simulations and beyond. While much work has already been completed in this area, there is still much to do. Areas left for improvement and future work will include adding more stochasticity into models as well as computing and analyzing reliability indices with respect to distribution networks.
机译:插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)是电动交通市场的下一个大趋势。尽管已经做了很多工作来详细说明插电式混合动力汽车将对消费者和生产商产生什么样的经济成本和收益,但是了解插电式混合动力汽车对全国分销网络的影响似乎也很重要。本文发现,可以使用PHEV的以下几个方面来确定PHEV对配电网络的影响:驾驶模式,充电特性,充电时间和车辆普及率。 PHEV的这些方面将对配电网络产生的影响已经由多位作者在不同位置使用许多不同的工具进行了测量和计算,这些工具的范围从分析技术到模拟等。尽管该领域已完成许多工作,但仍有许多工作要做。尚待改进和未来工作的领域将包括在模型中增加更多的随机性,以及计算和分析有关配电网络的可靠性指标。



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