首页> 外文期刊>Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews >Towards understanding the benefits and challenges of Smart/Micro-Grid for electricity supply system in Nigeria

Towards understanding the benefits and challenges of Smart/Micro-Grid for electricity supply system in Nigeria


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The poor state of electricity supply system in Nigeria is threatening the welfare and security of life and properties of millions of individuals with adverse economic consequences for the country. The inadequacy of the national grid, especially the inability of the electricity generation capacity to match increasing demand in the country has led to increasing agitation for increased penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into the electricity supply mix. While great attention has been focused on the potential of RESs for electricity generation in the country, little or no attention has been given to the application of Smart/Micro-Grid (SM-G) technologies to the ageing Nigeria grid infrastructures and electrification of the rural areas. The aim of this paper is to bring into focus the benefits and challenges of enabling SM-G in the electricity supply system in Nigeria. SM-G will bring benefits to the electricity stakeholders in form of improvements in reliability, efficiency, economics, environment, security and safety. The paper gives an overview and reviews the current state of the electricity supply system in the country. It discusses the SM-G concepts and associated technologies, and highlights how they can help address the electricity problems in the country. The challenges of applying these concepts in Nigeria context are also discussed. Enabling SM-G in the country will not only lead to improvement in the quality, efficiency and reliability of the electricity grid, but also promote the provision of electricity supply to the remote rural areas using RESs.
机译:尼日利亚电力供应系统状况不佳,正威胁着数百万个人的福祉,生命和财产安全,对国家造成不利的经济后果。国家电网的不足,特别是发电能力无法满足该国不断增长的需求,导致人们越来越多地鼓动可再生能源(RESs)渗透到电力供应结构中。尽管人们将注意力集中在可再生能源在该国发电方面的潜力上,但很少或没有关注将智能/微电网(SM-G)技术应用于尼日利亚老旧的电网基础设施以及该地区的电气化乡下地方。本文的目的是集中介绍在尼日利亚的电力供应系统中启用SM-G的好处和挑战。 SM-G将通过提高可靠性,效率,经济性,环境,安全性和安全性的形式,为电力利益相关者带来利益。本文给出了概述并回顾了该国供电系统的现状。它讨论了SM-G概念和相关技术,并重点介绍了它们如何帮助解决该国的电力问题。还讨论了在尼日利亚范围内应用这些概念的挑战。在该国启用SM-G,不仅可以改善电网的质量,效率和可靠性,而且可以促进使用RES的偏远农村地区的电力供应。



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