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Bridging the chasm - Diffusion of energy innovations in poor infrastructure starved communities


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Adoption and sustained diffusion of renewable energy technologies (RET) in remote under-serviced communities do not follow conventional trajectories frequently requiring long gestation periods. The intent of this paper is to emphasize that these gestation periods are not dormant times but involve intense adjustment of the RET innovation to local settings. Village level biodiesel (VLB) is an RET innovation introduced into remote Indian subsistence farming communities where traditional service delivery channels either never existed or are defunct. VLB's diffusion trajectory has been benchmarked and reviewed in this paper with a focus on (1) the attributes of the innovation and (2) decision-making processes. Insights gained through this analysis indicate that promoting organizations must possess a wide range of knowledge capacities in order to be able to support a continuous adoption process. This paper does not focus on traditional and proven RET currently introduced through the private sector but on decentralized innovations, where the onus is on the promoting not-for-profit organization to develop hitherto non-existent local service delivery mechanisms and supply chains that could enhance the local economy. Empirical research for the paper was conducted as a participant observer.
机译:在偏远服务水平低下的社区中,可再生能源技术(RET)的采用和持续传播并不遵循通常需要长时间孕育的传统轨迹。本文的目的是强调这些妊娠期不是休眠期,而是需要对RET创新进行严格的调整以适应当地环境。村级生物柴油(VLB)是RET的一项创新,引入了偏远的印度自给农业社区,在这些社区中,传统的服务提供渠道不存在或已经不存在。 VLB的扩散轨迹已在本文中进行了基准测试和审查,重点关注(1)创新的属性和(2)决策过程。通过此分析获得的见解表明,促进组织必须具备广泛的知识能力,才能支持持续的采用过程。本文不着眼于目前通过私营部门引入的传统的,经验证的可再生能源技术,而是去中心化的创新,其中的责任在于促进非营利组织发展迄今不存在的本地服务交付机制和供应链,从而可以增强当地经济。本文以参与观察者的身份进行了实证研究。



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