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Pre-feasibility MCDM tools to aid communities in prioritizing local viable renewable energy sources


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Integrating use of renewable energy sources (RESs) with conventional fuel sources increases energy security by minimizing dependence on imported energy sources. It also minimizes the negative environmental impact of generating energy, and the related health implications. Several RES alternatives can be identified in typical applications with various benefits and constraints. This makes the process of deciding which type of RES to implement at a specific site a multi-dimensional problem. Decision-making tools can be used to assist communities, in particular, in prioritizing their RES alternatives. Two multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) tools are discussed in this work. The first tool is the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the second is the sequential interactive model for urban sustainability (SIMUS). AHP is based on community participation in the decision-making process through data collection and elicitation of expert opinions in which data are subjectively weighted to come to a cardinal ranking of alternatives. SIMUS, on the other hand, uses mathematical linear programming manipulation, which also and primarily relies on elicitation of expert opinions, but in a less subjective and more objective manner. The article discusses the application of the MCDM tools to assist communities in pre-feasibility ranking of the alternative local RESs. Both MCDM tools proved to be effective and to facilitate group decision-making in transparent and scientific procedures that enabled communities to get support for their initiative.
机译:将可再生能源(RESs)与常规燃料源结合使用,可以最大限度地减少对进口能源的依赖,从而提高能源安全性。它还最大程度地减少了产生能源的负面环境影响以及相关的健康影响。在典型的应用中,可以确定几种RES替代方案,它们具有各种优点和约束。这使得决定在特定站点实施哪种类型的RES的过程成为一个多维问题。决策工具可用于协助社区,尤其是优先考虑其RES替代方案。在这项工作中讨论了两个多标准决策(MCDM)工具。第一个工具是层次分析法(AHP),第二个是城市可持续性的顺序互动模型(SIMUS)。 AHP基于社区参与决策过程的方式,即通过数据收集和征求专家意见,在这些意见中,对数据进行主观加权以得出替代方案的基本排名。另一方面,SIMUS使用数学线性编程操作,该操作也主要(但主要是依靠)专家意见的引出,但以较不主观和较客观的方式进行。本文讨论了MCDM工具的应用,以帮助社区对替代本地RES进行预可行性排名。事实证明,这两种MCDM工具都是有效的,并且可以通过透明,科学的程序促进团体决策,从而使社区能够获得其倡议的支持。



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