Abst'/> A year-long monitoring of preloaded free-maintenance bolts - Estimation of preload loss on BobTail bolts
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A year-long monitoring of preloaded free-maintenance bolts - Estimation of preload loss on BobTail bolts


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AbstractIn order to allow an increase in the height of the towers to exploit stronger and more stable wind profiles, a welded-free friction connection was proposed for the new generation of wind towers.This geometry requires a reliable estimation of the bolts’ performance over time and a free maintenance bolt is demanded since no access to the outside of the tower is possible.This paper illustrates the monitoring of such a bolted connection prototype with focus on the behaviour of free maintenance BobTail®bolts, which allows the tightening from the inner side of the tower. The monitoring and identification procedure for the 1-year monitoring of the force and the temperature in a prototype is presented. A calibrated nonlinear Hammerstein-Wiener model is used to withdraw the temperature effect from the analysis allowing for a long-term estimation of the preload losses. This model is able to simulate the force with less than 2.5% of error. The significant part of the preload loss was foreseen within the first two years. Furthermore, the influence of the tightening temperature on the bolts loss was discussed and, as expected the lower the temperature during tightening, the lower the long term preload losses.HighlightsEstimation of the long-term losses of free maintenance bolts installed in a friction connection of wind tower prototype.Feasibility and accuracy of the tightening procedure of BobTail bolts.Influence of the tightening sequence of bolts in friction connections.System identification using a nonlinear Hammerstein-Wiener model and extrapolation for the 20-year lifespan of the tower.
机译: 摘要 为了允许增加塔的高度以利用更强更稳定的风廓线,采用了无焊接摩擦连接 此几何形状需要可靠地估算螺栓随时间的性能,并且需要免费提供由于无法进入塔架外部,因此需要维护螺栓。 本文说明了如何监控此类螺栓连接原型,着重于免费维护BobTail ® bolts的行为,这使紧固在塔的内侧。提出了对原型中的力和温度进行1年监测的监测和识别程序。使用校准的非线性Hammerstein-Wiener模型从分析中撤回温度影响,从而可以对预载损耗进行长期估算。该模型能够以小于2.5%的误差模拟力。预负荷损失的很大一部分是在前两年内预计的。此外,还讨论了紧固温度对螺栓损耗的影响,并且可以预期,紧固期间的温度越低,长期预载荷损耗就越低。 < / ce:abstract> 突出显示 估算安装在风塔原型摩擦连接中的免费维护螺栓的长期损失。< / ce:para> BobTail螺栓紧固过程的可行性和准确性。 摩擦连接中的螺栓拧紧顺序的影响。 使用非线性Hammerstein进行系统识别-塔的20年使用寿命的Wiener模型和外推法。



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