Abst'/> Bayesian state prediction of wind turbine bearing failure
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Bayesian state prediction of wind turbine bearing failure


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AbstractA statistical approach to abstract and predict turbine states in an online manner has been developed. Online inference is performed on temperature measurement residuals to predict the failure stateΔnsteps ahead of time. In this framework a case study is performed showing the ability to predict bearing failure 33 days, on average, ahead of time. The approach is based on the separability of the sufficient statistics and a hidden variable, namely the state length. The predictive probability is conditioned on the data available, as well as the state variables. It is shown that the predictive probability can be calculated by a model for the samples and a hazard function describing the probability for undergoing a state transition. This study is concerned with the prior training of the model, for which run-to-failure time series of bearing measurements are used. For the sample model prediction is conditioned on prior information and predict the nextΔnsamples from a feature space spanned by the prior samples. By assuming that the feature space can be described by a multivariate Gaussian distribution, the prediction is treated as a Gaussian process over the feature space.HighlightsStatistical abstraction of states from winds turbine time series based on Gaussian processes and Bayesian inference.Prediction of wind turbine states based on Gaussian processes and Bayesian inference.State abstraction on residuals from bearing temperatures.Prediction of bearing failure (up to one month) ahead of time, with high accuracy and precision.
机译: 摘要 已开发出一种统计方法,可以在线方式抽象和预测涡轮机状态。对温度测量残差执行在线推断以预测故障状态 Δ n 时间。在此框架中,进行了一项案例研究,显示了平均提前33天预测轴承故障的能力。该方法基于足够统计量和隐藏变量(即状态长度)的可分离性。预测概率取决于可用的数据以及状态变量。结果表明,预测概率可以通过样本模型和描述状态转移概率的危险函数来计算。这项研究与模型的先验训练有关,为此使用了轴承测量的运行至故障时间序列。对于样本模型,预测以先验信息为条件,并预测下一个 Δ n 样本来自由先前样本跨越的特征空间。通过假设特征空间可以用多元高斯分布来描述,将预测视为特征空间上的高斯过程。 突出显示 基于高斯过程和贝叶斯推断的风力涡轮机时间序列中的状态统计抽象。 基于以下内容的风力发电机状态预测高斯过程和贝叶斯推断。 根据轴承温度对残差进行状态抽象。 提前预测轴承故障(最多一个月),其中包括



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