首页> 外文期刊>Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems >Effects of Fair Trade and organic certifications on small-scale coffee farmer households in Central America and Mexico

Effects of Fair Trade and organic certifications on small-scale coffee farmer households in Central America and Mexico


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We provide a review of sustainable coffee certifications and results from a quantitative analysis of the effects of Fair Trade, organic and combined Fair Trade/organic certifications on the livelihood strategies of 469 households and 18 cooperatives of Central America and Mexico. Certified households were also compared with a non-certified group in each country. To analyze the differences in coffee price, volume, gross revenue and education between certifications, we used the Kruskal–Wallis (K–W) non-parametric test and the Mann–Whitney U non-parametric test as a post-hoc procedure. Household savings, credit, food security and incidence of migration were analyzed through Pearson's chi-square test. Our study corroborated the conditions of economic poverty among small-scale coffee farmer households in Central America and Mexico. All certifications provided a higher price per pound and higher gross coffee revenue than non-certified coffee. However, the average volumes of coffee sold by individual households were low, and many certified farmers did not sell their entire production at certified prices. Certifications did not have a discernable effect on other livelihood-related variables, such as education, and incidence of migration at the household level, although they had a positive influence on savings and credit. Sales to certified markets offer farmers and cooperatives better prices, but the contribution derived from these premiums has limited effects on household livelihoods. This demonstrates that certifications will not single-handedly bring significant poverty alleviation to most coffee-farming families. Although certified coffee markets alone will not resolve the livelihood challenges faced by smallholder households, they could still contribute to broad-based sustainable livelihoods, rural development and conservation processes in coffee regions. This can be done by developing more active partnerships between farmers, cooperatives, certifications and environmental and rural development organizations and researchers in coffee regions. Certifications, especially Fair Trade/organic, have proven effective in supporting capacity building and in serving as networks that leverage global development funding for small-scale coffee-producing households.
机译:我们对可持续咖啡认证进行审查,并通过对公平贸易,有机和公平贸易/有机认证的结合对469户中美洲和墨西哥18家合作社的生计策略的影响进行定量分析得出的结果。在每个国家,还将经过认证的家庭与未经认证的家庭进行比较。为了分析认证之间咖啡价格,数量,总收入和受教育程度的差异,我们使用了Kruskal–Wallis(K–W)非参数检验和Mann–Whitney U非参数检验作为事后程序。通过皮尔逊的卡方检验分析了家庭储蓄,信贷,粮食安全和移民发生率。我们的研究证实了中美洲和墨西哥的小型咖啡农户的经济贫困状况。与未认证的咖啡相比,所有认证都提供了更高的每磅价格和更高的咖啡总收入。但是,单个家庭销售的平均咖啡量较低,许多认证农民没有按认证价格出售全部产品。认证虽然对储蓄和信贷有积极影响,但对其他与生计有关的变量,例如教育和家庭一级的移民发生率,没有明显的影响。向认证市场的销售为农民和合作社提供了更好的价格,但是从这些溢价中获得的贡献对家庭生计的影响有限。这表明认证不会单枪匹马为大多数咖啡种植家庭带来显着的贫困缓解。尽管仅通过认证的咖啡市场无法解决小农户所面临的生计挑战,但它们仍可为咖啡地区广泛的可持续生计,农村发展和保护进程做出贡献。这可以通过在咖啡地区的农民,合作社,认证,环境和农村发展组织与研究人员之间建立更积极的合作伙伴关系来实现。证明,尤其是公平贸易/有机认证,证明有效地支持了能力建设,并成为了为小规模咖啡生产家庭利用全球发展资金的网络。



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