首页> 外文期刊>Reliability Engineering & System Safety >Multi-distribution multi-commodity multistate flow network model and its reliability evaluation algorithm

Multi-distribution multi-commodity multistate flow network model and its reliability evaluation algorithm


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Multi-state flow networks (MFNs), which allow components to have various states and satisfy the flow conservation law, are widely used to model current real-life networks. The multi-commodity MFN (MMFN) is an extension of the MFN that considers more than one commodity (e.g., material, media, resources, products, and items) in the MFN. Network reliability is an important tool for the evaluation of the performance of various networks. The applications and studies of MMFNs are now more important than ever before. However, to date, only one MMFN has been developed, namely the weighted MMFN (WMMFN). In each component of the WMMFN, all commodities share the same state distribution (the states and their occurrence probabilities); the flows of different commodities are simply summed up for the calculation of the WMMFN reliability. Thus, in this study, a novel multi-distribution MMFN (MMMFN) is proposed that allows each commodity to have its own state distribution on components to complement the WMMFN. A new path-based algorithm is presented for the calculation of the proposed novel MMMFN reliability. The correctness and time complexity of the proposed path-based algorithm will be analyzed and proven. Numerical cases are adopted to demonstrate the proposed MMMFN and the proposed algorithm.
机译:允许组件具有各种状态并满足流动守恒法的多状态流量网络(MFN)被广泛用于模拟当前的现实生活网络。多商品MFN(MMFN)是MFN中的MFN的扩展,MFN中的多种商品(例如,材料,媒体,资源,产品和项目)。网络可靠性是评估各种网络性能的重要工具。 MMFN的应用和研究现在比以往更重要。然而,迄今为止,仅开发了一个MMFN,即加权MMFN(WMMFN)。在WMMFN的每个组件中,所有商品都共享相同的国家分布(状态及其发生概率);不同商品的流程简单地概括为计算WMMFN可靠性。因此,在本研究中,提出了一种新型多分发MMFN(MMMFN),其允许每个商品在组件上具有自己的状态分布以补充WMMFN。提出了一种新的基于路径的算法,用于计算所提出的新型MMMFN可靠性。将分析和经过分析所提出的基于路径的算法的正确性和时间复杂性。采用数值案例来展示所提出的MMMFN和所提出的算法。



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