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Statesman's Yearbook Online (Archive)


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The Statesman's Year-Book (as it then was) began publication in 1864 with immaculate credentials, being the brain child of the writer Thomas Carlyle with help in its conception by William Ewart Gladstone - whose bicentenary has just taken place. Its format, as per the words of its first editor, Frederick Martin, in the preface to the 1864 edition was to "contain a full account of all the states of Europe, and the principle states of Asia, America, and Australasia, considered under their political, social, and commercial aspects". With the aim "to insure [sic] an absolute correctness of the multiplicity of facts and figures ... for this purpose, none but official documents have been consulted in the first instance, and only where these failed, or were manifestly imperfect, recourse has been had to authoritative books ... [etc.]". Maybe that explains why the yearbook is still a valuable source of authoritative information on global affairs throughout the world and from a librarian's point of view a useful reference resource with information easily accessible rather than having to plough through official statistics.
机译:《政治家年鉴》(当时是当时的版本)在1864年就以无懈可击的身份开始出版,是作家托马斯·卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)的明智之举,并在威廉·埃瓦尔特·格拉德斯通(William Ewart Gladstone)的构想下有所帮助。按照其第一位编辑弗雷德里克·马丁(Frederick Martin)在1864年版序言中的说法,其格式是“包含对所有欧洲州以及亚洲,美洲和大洋洲主要州的完整描述,他们的政治,社会和商业方面”。为了“确保[事实]的事实和数字的多重性是绝对正确的……为此,一开始只征询了官方文件,只有在这些文件失败或明显不完善的情况下,才进行征询”一直是权威书籍……[等]。也许这可以解释为什么年鉴仍然是全世界有关全球事务的权威信息的宝贵来源,并且从馆员的角度来看,这是有用的参考资源,其信息易于获取,而不必费力进行官方统计。



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