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Martindale's: The 'Virtual' Veterinary Reference Center


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Jim Martindale's huge personal reference web site has two main sections with over 50 different information centres on its main page, and over 300 different subsections within Martindale's Reference Desk and Martindale's Health Science Guide: The Martindale's Reference Desk is a very large collection of links to reference resources and web sites. This first section or information centre focuses on language centres, calculators for the sciences, business and everyday measurements, as well as maps, and science tables. Each centre has links to other specific centres that concentrate on a particular subject area or resource type. The second section is called the Virtual Medical Center and has 29 information centres that include Anatomy, Brain and Neurology, Cardiology, Dental, Dermatology, Nursing, Nutrition, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Public Health, Radiology, Toxic substances and the Veterinary Center which is the object of this review.
机译:吉姆·马丁代尔(Jim Martindale)庞大的个人参考网站上有两个主要部分,其主页上有50多个不同的信息中心,马丁代尔(Martindale)的参考咨询台和马丁代尔的健康科学指南中也有300多个不同的小节:马丁代尔的咨询台是大量的参考链接资源和网站。第一部分或信息中心集中于语言中心,用于科学,商业和日常测量的计算器,地图和科学表格。每个中心都具有指向特定主题领域或资源类型的其他特定中心的链接。第二部分称为虚拟医疗中心,有29个信息中心,包括解剖学,脑与神经病学,心脏病学,牙科,皮肤病学,护理,营养,眼科,耳鼻喉科,病理学,药理学,公共卫生,放射学,有毒物质和兽医学中心是本次审查的对象。



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