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Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia


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This three volume set, reviewed here in its e-book version, is divided into three types of border disputes, the easily understood one where boundaries are contested (territorial), disputes where boundaries are incomplete (positional) and disputes where resources straddle boundaries (functional). The first of the set, then, includes Afghanistan/Pakistan: Pashtun, Dominican Republic/Haiti and Israel/Jordan, to name a few. Positional disputes include the Cod War (between the UK and Iceland) and the Bering Sea (between the USA and Russia), and the last volume has Antarctica and Brazil-Paraguay, among others [. . .] The contributors have or are pursuing degrees from all over the world. Readers will be able to study the treaties in question that are reproduced -from the Congress of Vienna in 1815 through the 2005 document that settled the dispute between Benin and Niger that had been stirring up trouble between them since their independence almost 60 years ago. The format in general is an easy to understand introduction followed by more in-depth analysis. As with all ABC-Clio works, the organization is clear, indexing is robust and the essays include a rich variety of cited resources for further exploration.
机译:这三本书集在其电子书版本中进行了回顾,分为三种类型的边界争端,一种是易于理解的边界争端(领土),一种是边界不完整的争端(位置),另一种是资源跨越边界的争端(功能)。然后,其中第一批包括阿富汗/巴基斯坦:普什图,多米尼加共和国/海地和以色列/约旦,仅举几例。位置争端包括鳕鱼战争(英国和冰岛之间)和白令海(美国和俄罗斯之间),最后一卷是南极洲和巴西-巴拉圭,等等。 。 。]贡献者拥有或正在追求来自世界各地的学位。读者将能够研究所复制的有关条约,从1815年的维也纳国会到2005年的文件,该文件解决了贝宁和尼日尔之间的争端,该争端自从他们60年前独立以来就一直在它们之间引起麻烦。该格式通常是一个易于理解的介绍,然后进行更深入的分析。与所有ABC-Clio作品一样,组织清晰,索引牢固,论文中包含大量引用的资源,可供进一步探索。



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