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Sybase Adds LINQ and entity framework support


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When Sybase Inc. subsidiary iAnywhere Solutions Inc. opened the beta program for its soon-to-be-released SQL Anywhere 11 embedded and mobile database-management system, the company barely mentioned two improvements that are likely to appeal to .NET developers. The Waterloo, Ontario, Canada-based company corrected that omission during a demonstration at Microsoft's Tech-Ed North America 2008 Developers conference last month in Orlando, Fla., throwing aspot-light on version 11's support for the ADO.N ET Entity Framework and Language Integrated Query (LINQ). LINQisasetofextensionstothe.NET Framework that provides native data querying capabilities to .N ET languages using a SQL-like syntax. Microsoft released LI NQ as part of its new Visual Studio 2008 suite, and is supporting it in the latest releases of the. N ET platform-beginning with C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 9.0.
机译:当Sybase Inc.的子公司iAnywhere Solutions Inc.为其即将发布的SQL Anywhere 11嵌入式和移动数据库管理系统打开beta程序时,该公司几乎没有提及可能对.NET开发人员有吸引力的两项改进。这家总部位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢的公司在上个月在佛罗里达州奥兰多举行的微软Tech-Ed North America 2008开发者大会上的一次演示中纠正了这一遗漏,重点介绍了版本11对ADO.N ET Entity Framework和ADO.N ET的支持。语言集成查询(LINQ)。 LINQisasetoftheextension.theNET Framework使用类似于SQL的语法为.N ET语言提供本机数据查询功能。微软发布了LI NQ作为其新的Visual Studio 2008套件的一部分,并在最新版本中对其提供支持。 N ET平台-从C#3.0和Visual Basic 9.0开始。



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