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New Concepts of Deployable De-Orbit and Re-Entry Systems for CubeSat Miniaturized Satellites


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In the present work new concepts of de-orbit and re-entry modules for standard CubeSats are presented. On the one hand, these modules can be very useful to contrast the growing phenomenon of the Space debris and, on the other hand, to recover Cubesat pay load and components after the end of the mission. The concepts are mainly based on deployable, umbrella-like, structures, useful to perform de-orbit and re-entry operations taking advantage from a substantial reduction of the ballistic coefficient. In the de-orbit configuration the deployable structure works only as an aerobrake. In this case the satellite lifetime may be strongly reduced, making it possible to match the CubeSat maximum decay requirement of 25 years, even for altitudes larger than 700 km. In the Earth re-entry configuration the ballistic parameter reduction produces also a sensible decrease of the aerothermal loads on the system, giving the opportunity to recover payload, potential data and satellite components. In this case the umbrella-like structure has both the function to protect the capsule and to control de-orbit and re-entry trajectories, in order to safely reach the desired landing site. The structure can be deployed by means of preloaded springs or other actuators and, once the umbrella is opened, the reference surface can be adjusted to control the trajectory with a kinematic mechanism driven by an electro-mechanical actuator.
机译:在本工作中,提出了用于标准CubeSat的离轨和重入模块的新概念。一方面,这些模块对于对比空间碎片不断增长的现象非常有用,另一方面,在任务结束后恢复Cubesat的有效载荷和组件。这些概念主要基于可展开的伞状结构,这些结构可利用弹道系数的显着降低而用于执行离轨和重入操作。在离轨配置中,可展开结构仅用作航空制动器。在这种情况下,卫星寿命可能会大大缩短,即使对于海拔超过700 km的情况,也可以满足25年的CubeSat最大衰减要求。在重新进入地球的配置中,减少弹道参数还会显着降低系统上的空气热负荷,从而有机会恢复有效载荷,潜在数据和卫星分量。在这种情况下,伞状结构既具有保护舱室的功能,又具有控制离轨和重返轨道的功能,以便安全地到达所需的着陆点。可以通过预加载的弹簧或其他致动器来部署该结构,一旦打开雨伞,就可以通过由机电致动器驱动的运动机构来调整参考表面以控制轨迹。



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