首页> 外文期刊>Radio journal >Producing diversity in BBC radio

Producing diversity in BBC radio

机译:在BBC Radio生产多样性

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The voices of minority ethnic staff working in radio are very rarely heard. In fact, the UK radio industry has been singled out, by the government approved regulatory body, as continuing to fail to reflect the diversity of British communities ‐ both on-air and in terms of employment.This article illustrates the perspectives of minority ethnic workers employed at the BBC on the Asian Network, a specialist ethnic radio station, and examines how they craft programme and news content for a distinctive audience. Through in-depth interviews with 30 BBC employees, there is lookat the challenges, conflict and barriers this group of staff face. The interviews expose a difference of opinion among staff over the core target audience and the version of Asian identity articulated on-air and demonstrate that a rigid gatekeeping system restricts the dissemination of newscontent about all the communities that comprise the group British Asian.
机译:在收音机中工作的少数民族员工的声音非常罕见。事实上,英国无线电行业被政府批准的监管机构挑选出来,因为继续反映英国社区的多样性 - 在空中和就业方面。这篇文章说明了少数民族工人的观点在亚洲网络上雇用在亚洲网络,专业的民族广播电台,并审查他们如何为独特的观众制作计划和新闻内容。通过与30名BBC员工的深入访谈,这群员工面临的挑战,冲突和障碍。面试对核心目标受众的工作人员和亚洲身份的版本阐述了亚洲身份的版本,并证明了一个僵化的纳门制度限制了新闻中心关于所有包括英国亚洲团体的社区的传播。



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