
Cocklebarrow SAM 35

机译:独轮手推车SAM 35

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Having just entered the decade of the bus pass I felt it might be appropriate to investigate. I had forgotten (first signs?) about the Cocklebarrow SAM 35 event, but was working just up the road and passed it on the way home. So a quick diversion to introduce myself and take a couple of pictures on the Saturday meant lunch was delayed until about 5.30 p.m. A transgression all modellers are guilty of isn't it? As a result of this I managed to tee myself up for a visit on Sunday to see it all happen. The site is just above the village of Aldsworth set in the heart of the glorious Cotswolds Hills. Mother Nature could have been kinder with the weather and wind but many and varied models managed to cope with the conditions very well. A total of 65 models entered the event and 43 of these flew. Many of these were TomBoys and the irrepressible David Boddington managed to stage an impromptu contest. It was still going on when I left, and involved much checking of stopwatches, climbing high, and getting down as close to a permitted max. time as possible. The Cocklebarrow event is Organised by Paul Howkins, ably assisted by wife Val on the Tx control.
机译:刚刚进入公交通行证的十年,我觉得应该进行调查。我已经忘了(最初的迹象?)关于Cocklebarrow SAM 35的比赛,但当时我正在努力,并在回家的路上经过了比赛。因此,快速转移注意力以自我介绍并在周六拍摄几张照片意味着午餐被推迟到下午5.30左右。所有建模者都犯了罪,不是吗?结果,我设法在星期天准备去看一切。该遗址就位于光荣的科茨沃尔德山丘中心的Aldsworth村上方。大自然母亲本可以对天气和风更为友善,但许多不同的模型都能够很好地应对这种情况。共有65个模型进入了活动,其中43个飞行了。其中许多人是汤姆·鲍伊斯(TomBoys),无法抑制的戴维·波丁顿(David Boddington)成功举办了即兴比赛。当我离开时,情况仍在继续,涉及到对秒表的大量检查,爬升和下降到接近允许的最大值。时间越长越好。 Cocklebarrow活动由Paul Howkins组织,并由妻子Val在Tx控件的协助下进行。



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