
Scale Power


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The lead might have the same surface area but aerodynamic forces have far less effect on the greater mass of the lead. Heavy models look different in flight. They are dominated more by mass and inertia effects than by aerodynamic forces of lift and drag. For a given area, a heavy model feels Gravity suck harder, but Lift and Drag forces take longer to affect its flight path. That's why a lightly loaded scale model can look less convincing than a heavy one. The light model's movements are jerky and floaty by comparison.rnThis much you know already, and it's confirmed in parts 1 and 2 of my Scale Science mini-series. It's impossible to fly scale manoeuvres AND scale linear speed because the weights required for each are poles apart, however by choosing the weight you can choose the flying character of your model, linear scale or dynamic or half way between.
机译:铅的表面积可能相同,但是空气动力对铅的质量影响较小。重型模型在飞行中看起来有所不同。它们受质量和惯性作用的支配,而不是受到升力和阻力的空气动力的支配。对于给定的区域,较重的模型会感觉到“重力”吸力更难,但是“升力”和“阻力”力需要更长的时间才能影响其飞行路径。这就是为什么轻载的比例模型看起来不如沉重的模型令人信服的原因。相比之下,灯光模型的运动是生涩而浮动的。rn您已经知道很多,并且在我的Scale Science迷你系列的第1部分和第2部分中得到了证实。飞行秤的操纵和线性速度的测量是不可能的,因为它们各自需要的重量是相距极远的,但是通过选择重量,您可以选择模型的飞行特性,线性秤或动态或中途飞行。



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