首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary International >Composition and diagenesis of ancient Shali city buildings of evaporite stones (kerchief), Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Composition and diagenesis of ancient Shali city buildings of evaporite stones (kerchief), Siwa Oasis, Egypt


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Shali is an ancient fortress, built in the XII-XX century in Siwa, Northwest Egypt. It is built on two Middle Miocene limestone and marl hills, between the wadi plain. The architecture of the fortress buildings is composed of local materials derived from the Miocene, Quaternary, and recent salt lake deposits. The framework blocks of the city are mainly composed of salt (Kerchief), limestone, and bentonite, wood particles, dry date seeds, and bones derived from ancient tombs. In this study, the modification and mineral phases that developed during the diagenetic alteration and cementation of the salt and clay mortars with different framework in the walls of the ancient houses and settlements will be followed and interpreted. Diagenesis included transportation of salt materials from the nearby Fetnas Lake and mixing with some sand and clays as mortar pressed into the voids between the frameworks (Kerchief blocks). This resulted in dehydration, gypsum crystallization, and halite cementation. The continuous crystallization through the epitaxial growth of halite in both cement and framework blocks results in strong adhesion and binding of the framework. At the end of the process the kerchief blocks and the cement will be completely homogenous to a point that they apparently no longer be distinguished. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
机译:沙里是一个古老的堡垒,建于十二世纪至二十世纪在埃及西北部的锡瓦。它建在旱谷平原之间的两个中新世中期石灰岩和泥石丘陵上。堡垒建筑的建筑材料由中新世,第四纪和最近的盐湖矿床衍生而来。这座城市的构架主要由盐(方巾),石灰石和膨润土,木屑,干枣种子和源自古墓的骨头组成。在这项研究中,将追踪和解释在古民居和居民区墙壁上盐和粘土砂浆的成岩作用改变和胶结过程中形成的变质和矿物相。成岩作用包括从附近的费特纳斯湖(Fetnas Lake)运送盐分,并在砂浆压入框架之间的空隙(方巾块)中与一些沙子和粘土混合。这导致脱水,石膏结晶和盐岩胶结。在水泥和骨架砖块中,通过盐岩的外延生长进行的连续结晶导致骨架的牢固粘合和结合。在该过程结束时,方巾块和水泥将完全均匀,以至于显然不再区分它们。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd和INQUA。版权所有。



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