首页> 外文期刊>The quarterly review of economics and finance >How does divergence of opinions affect the relative trading activity and information content in option and stock prior to takeover announcement?

How does divergence of opinions affect the relative trading activity and information content in option and stock prior to takeover announcement?


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This paper examines whether the options/stock trading volume ratio (O/S) is higher when investors' opinions are more diverse with respect to the value of acquirer during pre-takeover announcement period and explores how divergence of opinions affects the predictive power of O/S on subsequent stock prices. We find that the coefficients of proxies for diversity of opinion are significantly positive, suggesting that more disagreements tend to have higher volumes of option trading relative to stock. Less predictive powers of O/S on subsequent stock returns are associated with larger divergence of opinion, implying that O/S contains less information about subsequent stock price movements when the divergence of opinions of acquirer firm is higher.
机译:本文探讨了在收购前公告期间,当投资者的意见相对于收购方的价值而言更加多样化时,期权/股票交易量比率(O / S)是否更高,并探讨了意见分歧如何影响O的预测能力。 / S表示随后的股票价格。我们发现观点多样性的代理系数显着为正,这表明与股票相比,更多的分歧倾向于拥有更多的期权交易量。 O / S对后续股票收益的预测能力越弱,则意见分歧越大,这意味着当收购方的意见分歧更大时,O / S包含的关于后续股票价格变动的信息就越少。



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