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Interbank offered rates in Islamic countries: Is the Islamic benchmark different from the conventional benchmarks?


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Motivated by the size and the growth of the global Islamic financial services industry, 17 Islamic Banks in six Islamic countries, in conjunction with Thompson Reuters, developed an Islamic Interbank Benchmark Rate (IIBR, hereafter) to address the Sharia compliance requirements of Islamic banks in the money market. This paper examines to what extent this newly introduced monetary tool differs from the conventional interbank rates used in the countries of contributing banks to the IIBR. We use cointegration analysis, Granger causality tests and Vector Autoregressive Models to investigate the dynamics and the intertemporal linkages between the Islamic and conventional interbank benchmarks in five countries from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC, hereafter) region. Results show that the IIBR exhibits a long-run relationship with the conventional rates and fails to be independently determined. Our findings advocate also that market conditions such as oil prices and inflation do not contribute to the dynamics between the IIBR and the conventional interest-based interbank benchmarks. (c) 2018 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:通过全球伊斯兰金融服务业的规模和增长,六个伊斯兰国家的17个伊斯兰银行与汤普森路透社一起制定了伊斯兰银行的伊斯兰银行基准率(IIBR,以下),以解决伊斯兰银行的伊斯兰银行钱市场。本文审查了这种新引入的货币工具与往来使用的国家各国的传统银行间率不同的程度。我们使用协整分析,格兰杰因果关系测试和传染媒介自回归模型来研究来自海湾合作委员会(后者)地区的五个国家的伊斯兰和传统银行间基准之间的动态和跨期联系。结果表明,IIBL表现出与传统速率的长期关系,并且无法独立确定。我们的调查结果还提倡油价和通货膨胀等市场条件不会导致IIBR和以常规的基于兴趣的银行间基准之间的动态。 (c)2018年伊利诺伊大学的受托人委员会。由elsevier Inc.出版的所有权利保留。



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