首页> 外文期刊>Quarterly Report of RTRI >Non-linear Analysis Method of Ground Using Equivalent Single-degree-of-freedom Model

Non-linear Analysis Method of Ground Using Equivalent Single-degree-of-freedom Model


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This paper proposes a simple method to evaluate ground-surface waveforms using both the natural period of the ground and waveforms in the engineering bedrock. In this research, the "Equivalent Single Degree of Freedom method" is proposed and is based on the results of static push-over analyses of many grounds with various properties. A comparison was made of waveforms of multi-layered ground, obtained from the proposed method, using dynamic analysis. It was then confirmed that these waves are almost identical, and that the proposed method is applicable to the evaluation of the surface motion. Although information is still lacking about soil properties in regions where there are existing railway lines, proposed method enables economical dense calculation of trackside surface motion. These sets of waveforms will be utilized to identify locations where devastating damage is expected in the case of a strong earthquake.



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