首页> 外文期刊>Квантовая электроника >Ray-trace technique for the solution of the coherence function equation in nonuniformly absorbing (amplifying) media

Ray-trace technique for the solution of the coherence function equation in nonuniformly absorbing (amplifying) media


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A study was made on the propagation of partially coherent radi- ation in strongly absorbing refractive media in which account must be taken of the bend of ray paths due to the existence of the imaginary part of the medium permittivity. The sutdy proceeded from the equation for the coherence function. It is shown that this equation can be reduced to a set of ray propagation equations, which allow constructing efficient numerical algorithms of its solution. A self-similar solution for the cohe- rence function is obtained for a parabolic distribution of the medium permittivity and a Gaussian initial distribution of the average radiation iontensity.



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