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A Caution Regarding Rules of Thumb for Variance Inflation Factors


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The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and tolerance are both widely used measures of the degree of multi-collinearity of the ith independent variable with the other independent variables in a regression model. Unfortunately, several rules of thumb – most commonly the rule of 10 – associated with VIF are regarded by many practitioners as a sign of severe or serious multi-collinearity (this rule appears in both scholarly articles and advanced statistical textbooks). When VIF reaches these threshold values researchers often attempt to reduce the collinearity by eliminating one or more variables from their analysis; using Ridge Regression to analyze their data; or combining two or more independent variables into a single index. These techniques for curing problems associated with multi-collinearity can create problems more serious than those they solve. Because of this, we examine these rules of thumb and find that threshold values of the VIF (and tolerance) need to be evaluated in the context of several other factors that influence the variance of regression coefficients. Values of the VIF of 10, 20, 40, or even higher do not, by themselves, discount the results of regression analyses, call for the elimination of one or more independent variables from the analysis, suggest the use of ridge regression, or require combining of independent variable into a single index.
机译:方差膨胀因子(VIF)和公差都是在回归模型中第i个自变量与其他自变量的多重共线性度的广泛使用的度量。不幸的是,许多从业者认为与VIF相关的几条经验法则(最常见的是10条法则)被视为严重或严重的多重共线性的标志(该规则出现在学术文章和高级统计教科书中)。当VIF达到这些阈值时,研究人员通常试图通过从分析中消除一个或多个变量来降低共线性。使用Ridge回归分析其数据;或将两个或多个自变量组合成一个索引。这些用于解决与多重共线性相关的问题的技术会产生比其解决的问题更严重的问题。因此,我们检查了这些经验法则,发现需要在影响回归系数方差的其他几个因素的背景下评估VIF(和公差)的阈值。 VIF值为10、20、40或更高的值本身不会降低回归分析的结果,要求从分析中消除一个或多个自变量,建议使用岭回归,或要求将自变量组合成单个索引。



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