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Power Transfer by Volume Conduction: In Vitro Validated Analytical Models Predict DC Powers Above 1 mW in Injectable Implants


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Galvanic coupling, or more precisely volume conduction, has been recently studied by different research groups as a method for intrabody communications. However, only in a very few occasions its use for powering implants has been proposed and proper analyses of such capability are still lacking. We present the development and the in vitro validation of a set of analytical expressions able to estimate the maximum ac and dc powers attainable in elongated implants powered by volume conduction. In particular, the expressions do not describe the complete power transfer channel but the behavior of the implants when the presence of an electric field is assumed. The expressions and the in vitro models indicate that time-averaged powers above 1 mW can be readily obtained in very thin (diameter & x003C; 1 mm) and short (length & x003C; 15 mm) implants when ac fields that comply with safety standards are present in the tissues where the implants are located. The expressions and the in vitro models also indicate that the obtained dc power is maximized by delivering the ac field in the form of short bursts rather than continuously. The study results support the use of volume conduction as a safe option to power implants.
机译:最近通过不同的研究组作为用于库际通信的方法,最近研究了电流耦合或更精确的体积传导。然而,只有在很少的情况下,已经提出了对供电植入物的用途,并且仍然缺乏这种能力的适当分析。我们提出了一种能够估计由体积传导的细长植入物中可达到的最大AC和DC功率的一组分析表达式的开发和<斜斜体>验证。特别地,表达式没有描述完整的电力传输通道,而是假设电场存在时植入物的行为。在体外的表达和<斜斜体>模型中,可以在非常薄的(直径和x003c; 1 mm)和短(长度和x003c; 15 mm)植入物中,可以容易地获得1 mw以上的时间平均功率。符合安全标准的AC领域存在于植入物所在的组织中。在体外的表达和<斜体>模型也表明所获得的直流电源通过以短脉冲的形式而不是连续地传递交流场来最大化。研究结果支持使用体积传导作为电源植入物的安全选择。



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