首页> 外文期刊>Quality Control, Transactions >Seismic Random Noise Attenuation Based on PCC Classification in Transform Domain

Seismic Random Noise Attenuation Based on PCC Classification in Transform Domain


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Random noise attenuation of seismic data is an essential step in the processing of seismic signals. However, as the exploration environment is becoming more and more complicated, the energy of valid signals is weaker and the signal to noise (SNR) is much lower, which brings great difficulty to seismic data processing and interpretation. To this end, we propose an unconventional and effective seismic random noise attenuation method based on proximal classifier with consistency (PCC) in transform domain. Firstly, we analyze various transforms for seismic data from traditional wavelet transform and curvelet transform to emerging non-subsampled shearlet transform (NSST) and non-subsampled contourlet transform (NSCT). And, we select the excellent NSST to decompose the noisy seismic data into different sub-bands of frequency and orientation responses. Secondly, unlike traditional sparse transform based seismic denoising methods that often directly use a thresholding operator and corresponding inverse transform to denoise seismic data, our proposed method employs a superior performance PCC to classify the NSST coefficients of seismic data before thresholding operator. The added step can effectively divide the NSST coefficients into reflected useful signal coefficients and noise-related coefficients, which can preserve the edge of reflected signals and keep the information of events intact as much as possible. In addition, we also introduce an adaptive threshold computing method and a soft-thresholding method to achieve seismic data denoising better. Finally, the experimental results on the typical synthetic example and real seismic data show the superior performance of the proposed method.



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