首页> 外文期刊>Quality and Reliability Engineering International >Reliability Model for Electronic Devices under Time Varying Voltage

Reliability Model for Electronic Devices under Time Varying Voltage


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Present reliability models, which estimate the lifetime of electronic devices, work under the assumption that the voltage level must be constant when an Accelerated Life Testing is performed. Nevertheless, in a real operational environment, electronic devices are subjected to electrical variations present in the power lines; that means the voltage has a time-varying behavior, which breaks the assumption of reliability models. Thus, in this paper, a reliability model is presented, which describes the lifetime of electronic devices under time-varying voltage via a parametric function. The model is based on the Cumulative Damage Model with random failure rate and the modified Inverse Power Law. In order to estimate the parameters of the proposed model, the maximum likelihood method was employed. A case study based on the time-varying voltage induced by electrical harmonics when Alternate Current/Direct Current (AC/DC) transformer is connected to the power line is presented in this paper. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:当前的估计电子设备寿命的可靠性模型是在执行加速寿命测试时电压水平必须恒定的前提下工作的。然而,在实际的操作环境中,电子设备会受到电力线上存在的电气变化的影响。这意味着电压具有随时间变化的行为,这打破了可靠性模型的假设。因此,本文提出了一种可靠性模型,该模型通过参数函数描述了电子设备在时变电压下的寿命。该模型基于具有随机故障率的累积损伤模型和修正的逆幂定律。为了估计所提出模型的参数,采用了最大似然法。本文以交流/直流(AC / DC)变压器连接到电力线上时由谐波引起的时变电压为例。版权所有(c)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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