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Stora Enso's 2008 Business Results Affected By Production Curtailments


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Annual business results of Stora Enso show the impact of the production curtailments which the company undertook last year in the face of a difficult economy and poor markets as well as the effects of unfavourable exchange rate developments and a notable drop in deliveries and prices in some of its business divisions. The company posted an operating loss of €726.6m and a net loss of €679m against sales of about €11.0bn for 2008. In 2007 Stora Enso had registered an operating profit of €176.9m and a net profit of €12.8m against sales of €11.8bn. Stora Enso's CEO Jouko Karvinen described the business results for last year as "very, very weak". The drop in demand in the fourth quarter of 2008 had been as severe as expected, Karvinen added.
机译:斯道拉恩索的年度业务结果表明,由于经济困难和市场疲软,该公司去年进行的生产削减的影响,以及不利的汇率变化以及某些地区的交货和价格显着下降的影响其业务部门。该公司公布的2008年营业亏损为7.266亿欧元,净亏损为6.79亿欧元,而销售额约为110亿欧元。2007年,斯道拉恩索的营业利润为1.769亿欧元,净利润为1,280万欧元118亿欧元。斯道拉恩索(Stora Enso)首席执行官Jouko Karvinen将去年的业务业绩描述为“非常非常薄弱”。 Karvinen补充说,2008年第四季度的需求下降幅度与预期一样严重。



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