首页> 外文期刊>Public management review >Representative bureaucracy and hierarchy: interactions among leadership, middle-level, and street-level bureaucracy

Representative bureaucracy and hierarchy: interactions among leadership, middle-level, and street-level bureaucracy


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This article examines whether an increase in ethnic representativeness at various hierarchical ranks can have different impacts on organizational performance. Data were collected from the British police force that implemented force-specific targets for recruiting officers from ethnic minority backgrounds during 2000-2010. Findings suggest that the benefits of representative bureaucracy are greater when (a) the proportion of minority officers is greater, (b) their average rank is higher in the hierarchical ladder, and (c) they are equally dispersed across different ranks. We also show that representation among street-level officers is a necessary condition for deriving the benefits of representative bureaucracy.
机译:本文探讨了各种等级等级对种族代表性的增加可能对组织绩效产生不同的影响。 从英国警察部队收集数据,该部队在2000-2010期间实施了招聘少数民族背景中的军人的特定目标。 调查结果表明,当(a)少数民族官员的比例更大时,代表官僚机构的好处更大,(b)分层阶梯的平均等级更高,(c)它们在不同等级上同样分散。 我们还表明,街道级官员之间的代表是导出代表官僚机构福利的必要条件。



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