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“The Most Dangerous Woman in America”: Emma Goldman and the Rhetoric of Motherhood In Living My Life

机译:“美国最危险的女人”:艾玛·戈德曼(Emma Goldman)和母亲在我一生中的修辞

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Although she avoided biological motherhood, Emma Goldman depicts herself in her autobiography, Living My Life, in the more conventional role of mother in relationship to the masses, to her anarchist periodical Mother Earth, and to her lovers and certain other men. In doing so, she seems to be aware that motherhood is a cultural construction as a social role that historically, at least since the eighteenth century, has relied on the assumption of “instinct.” However, this perspective does not necessarily reflect Goldman's whole regard for motherhood or all of the feminist points of view during her lifetime. In this paper, I will argue that the lens of late twentieth- and early twenty-first century feminist arguments, which further the earlier feminist claims of Goldman's time, enable us to view the nuances of her maternal identity as it functions to strengthen the anarchist agenda within the text. The constructions of motherhood, as they appear in Living My Life, draw from opposing views of the nature of “woman” and reshape not only power relationships but the conception of motherhood itself, creating a viable rhetoric for the anarchist argument.
机译:尽管艾玛·戈德曼(Emma Goldman)避免了生性的母亲身份,但她在自传《我的生活》(Living My Life)中描绘了自己,表现出母亲在与大众,与无政府主义者的期刊《大地母亲》以及与恋人和某些其他男人的关系中扮演的更常规的角色。在这样做的过程中,她似乎意识到母性是一种文化建构,是一种社会角色,至少从18世纪以来,就一直在历史上依靠“本能”这一假设。但是,这种观点并不一定反映高盛一生对母亲的整体关注或所有女权主义观点。在本文中,我将争辩说,二十世纪末和二十世纪初的女权主义争论的镜头,进一步推动了早期女权主义对高盛时代的主张,使我们能够看到她的母性身份的细微差别,因为它的作用是加强无政府主义者。文本中的议程。正如在《我的生活》中出现的那样,母性的构造取材于对“女人”本质的相反看法,不仅重塑了权力关系,而且重塑了母性本身的概念,为无政府主义者的论点创造了可行的措辞。



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