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Entropy budget of the earth, atmosphere and ocean system


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The energy budget in the system of the earth, atmosphere and ocean conforms to the first law of thermodynamics, namely the law of conservation of energy, and it is balanced when the system is in a steady-state condition. However, the entropy budget following the second law of thermodynamics is unbalanced. In this paper, we deduce the expressions of entropy flux and re-estimate the earth, atmosphere and ocean annual mean entropy budget "with the updated climatologically global mean energy budget and the climatologi-cally air-sea flux data. The calculated results show that the earth system obtains a net influx of negative entropy ( - 1179.3m Wm~(-2)K~(-1)) from its surroundings, and the atmosphere and the ocean systems obtain a net input of negative entropy at about - 537.4m Wm~(-2)K~(-1) and - 555.6 mWm~(-2)K~(-1), respectively Calculations of the entropy budget can provide some guidance for further understanding the spatial-temporal change of the local entropy flux, and the entropy production resulting from all kinds of irreversible processes inside these systems.
机译:地球,大气和海洋系统中的能量收支符合热力学的第一定律,即能量守恒定律,并且在系统处于稳态条件下达到平衡。但是,遵循热力学第二定律的熵预算是不平衡的。本文推导了熵通量的表达式,并利用更新的气候全球平均能量收支和气候-气-海通量数据重新估算了地球,大气和海洋的年均熵预算。地球系统从其周围获得负熵的净流入(-1179.3m Wm〜(-2)K〜(-1)),大气和海洋系统在大约-537.4m处获得负熵的净输入Wm〜(-2)K〜(-1)和-555.6 mWm〜(-2)K〜(-1)可以为进一步理解局部熵的时空变化提供指导通量,以及这些系统内部各种不可逆过程产生的熵产生。



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