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Reconstruction and analysis of time series of ENSO for the last 500 years


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This paper reports the classification of ENSO into seven categories according to annual (March to February of next year) mean SST of Nino 3 4 and composite index (AI) for the period of 1861-2000. Categories + 3, + 2, and + 1 denote very strong, strongand weak warm episodes (E), -3, -2, and - 1 mean very strong, strong and weak cold episodes ( A). Absolute SST anomalies are about 1 5°C , 1 0 °C and 0, 5 °C lespectively for the categories 3, 2, and 1 (or - 3, - 2, and - 1). The normal years are expressed as category 0 Annual categories of ENSO are estimated on the basis of proxy data from AD 1501 to 1860. And a series of ENSO category is established for the period of 1501 - 2000 in conjunction with the observational data Comparison of proxy data with observations for 1874 - 1973 indicates that about 80 % of the El Nino years and La Nina years can be reconstructed from proxy data, and the reliability of the reconstruction is verified Analysis of the power spectrum of the reconstructed ENSO seriesshows significant peaks at QBO, 3 - 4a (year), 5 - 6a, and 10a period, the former three are in accordance with the observations for the last 100 years or mole. Studies on long term variability of ENSO indicates that ENSO frequency is relatively stationary during the last 500 years, including the Little Ice Age (LIA) (1550-1850) and Modern Warming Period (the 20th century). However, the frequency of E is a little higher in the 20th century and that of A is somewhat higher during the LIA.
机译:本文报告了Nino 3 4的年平均SST和1861-2000年的综合指数(AI),根据ENSO的年度平均值(明年3月至次年2月)将ENSO分为7类。类别+ 3,+ 2和+ 1表示非常强,强和弱的暖风(E),-3,-2和-1表示非常强,强和弱的冷风(A)。对于3、2和1类(或-3,-2和-1),绝对SST异常分别约为1 5°C,1 0°C和0,5°C。正常年份以类别0表示。ENSO的年度类别是根据AD 1501至1860年的代理数据估算的。并结合观测数据为1501-2000年建立了一系列ENSO类别包含1874年至1973年观测数据的数据表明,可以从代理数据中重建大约80%的厄尔尼诺年和拉尼娜年,并且验证了重建的可靠性。对重建的ENSO序列的功率谱分析显示,QBO处存在明显的峰值,3-4a(年),5-6a和10a期,前三个与最近100年或摩尔的观测值一致。 ENSO的长期变异性研究表明,在最近的500年中,包括小冰期(LIA)(1550-1850)和现代变暖期(20世纪),ENSO频率相对稳定。但是,在20世纪,E的频率略高一些,而在LIA期间,A的频率略高一些。



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