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Toward interoperable first response


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For many years, responders to incidents that threaten US public safety have been unable to communicate efficiently using radio - a capability critical to command and control and information sharing in a first response. The attacks on September 11, 2001 made it tragically clear that the US must make interoperable wireless communications among first responders and other public-safety organizations a high priority. In radio communications, interoperability is the complex problem of unifying legacy systems spread across frequency bands and myriad geographic locations, each of which uses unique operating procedures. Many public-safety organizations have begun to coordinate with each other to ensure compatibility in hardware purchases, the use of radio-frequency spectrums, and operational planning. Standards are also in place to decrease the number of unique, proprietary solutions.
机译:多年来,应对威胁美国公共安全的事件的响应者一直无法使用无线电进行有效的通信,而无线电是在第一响应中对命令和控制以及信息共享至关重要的能力。 2001年9月11日的攻击清楚地表明,美国必须将第一响应者与其他公共安全组织之间的可互操作的无线通信置于高度优先地位。在无线电通信中,互操作性是统一分布在频带和无数地理位置上的遗留系统的复杂问题,每个遗留系统都使用唯一的操作程序。许多公共安全组织已开始相互协调,以确保硬件购买,无线电频谱的使用以及运营计划方面的兼容性。还制定了标准,以减少独特的专有解决方案的数量。



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